Software building/hosting technologies I use, I love, and otherwise recommend.
I get asked a lot about the things I use to build software, stay productive (ie distract myself from buying more guitars). Here’s a big list of all of my favorite stuff.
I have extensive experience with designing/normalizing relational databases (MySql,PostgreSql,MariaDB) including transactional SQL. On the flip side I have also worked with NoSql (MongoDB) integrating Laravel with MongoDB. Additionally I am certified as a FileMaker Developer.
APIs Implementation
Stripe,,Google Workplace,Google Maps,Twilio, ReCaptcha, hCaptcha, PointClickCare,HelloSign, Clever,and many more!
APIs I've built
I have built a few APIs using Laravel on the backend. Where I have used Laravel Passport for authentication and have implemented various API endpoints for CRUD operations.
Frontend Development
Frontend Experience
I have over 12 years experience with front ent development where I have worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue ( versions 2 and 3 (TS ) VueRouter, VueX, Pinia,Option AIP,Composition API), Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, and this particular site is built with Next.js React and TypeScipt....... Where has TypeScipt been all my life?!
Backend Development
Laravel Framework
Within the Laravel ecosystem I have worked with the following: Horizon,Sail,Sanctum,Jetstream,Breeze,Cashier,Socialite,Nova and Forge. Likewise within the framework I have extensive experience with Eloquent ORM,Database Query, Artisan, Artisan Commands, Routing, Middleware, API, Redis, Storage,UnitTesting,Blade,Authentication,Broadcasting,and Authorization... Pretty sure I am missing a few things but you get the idea.
Architectures I've worked with
Monolith,SPA,and Microservices. Microservices are fun, I like microservices :)
I have worked with AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Azure, and remember a way, way long time ago when folks had servers on prem (yo, I did that too)?!
Nginx,Apache2,Apache Tomcat,FileMaker Server
Composer, Docker, Sail, Herd, Vagrant, (paradoxically) remote ‘local’ instances on both AWS/GCP and god help us all when your local had to be setup with out the likes of containers.
Operating Systems
Linux (Ubuntu,CentOS),Unix,Mac,Windows
Programming Languages
I have primarily worked with PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Vue and MySql and most recently TypeScipt. Additionally I have dabbled lightly in Python,Java,Objective-C,C, and .Net. In a nutshell I pick up any language very quickly.. For example I am building this site in React, which I have limited professional experience with, but wanted to get my feet wet.
PHPStorm, VSCode, Sublime Text, Netbeans
Version Control
Flavors and Repos
Git, Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab,Azure DevOps, and remember when we used to use SVN?!
Methodologies and Tools
Flavors and Repos
Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban, Jira, Gitlab, Asana!