Software building/hosting technologies I use, I love, and otherwise recommend.

I get asked a lot about the things I use to build software, stay productive (ie distract myself from buying more guitars). Here’s a big list of all of my favorite stuff.


  • Storage

    I have extensive experience with designing/normalizing relational databases (MySql,PostgreSql,MariaDB) including transactional SQL. On the flip side I have also worked with NoSql (MongoDB) integrating Laravel with MongoDB. Additionally I am certified as a FileMaker Developer.


  • APIs Implementation

    Stripe,,Google Workplace,Google Maps,Twilio, ReCaptcha, hCaptcha, PointClickCare,HelloSign, Clever,and many more!

  • APIs I've built

    I have built a few APIs using Laravel on the backend. Where I have used Laravel Passport for authentication and have implemented various API endpoints for CRUD operations.

Frontend Development

  • Frontend Experience

    I have over 12 years experience with front ent development where I have worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue ( versions 2 and 3 (TS ) VueRouter, VueX, Pinia,Option AIP,Composition API), Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, and this particular site is built with Next.js React and TypeScipt....... Where has TypeScipt been all my life?!

Backend Development

  • Laravel Framework

    Within the Laravel ecosystem I have worked with the following: Horizon,Sail,Sanctum,Jetstream,Breeze,Cashier,Socialite,Nova and Forge. Likewise within the framework I have extensive experience with Eloquent ORM,Database Query, Artisan, Artisan Commands, Routing, Middleware, API, Redis, Storage,UnitTesting,Blade,Authentication,Broadcasting,and Authorization... Pretty sure I am missing a few things but you get the idea.


  • Architectures I've worked with

    Monolith,SPA,and Microservices. Microservices are fun, I like microservices :)


  • Platforms

    I have worked with AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Azure, and remember a way, way long time ago when folks had servers on prem (yo, I did that too)?!


  • Flavors

    Nginx,Apache2,Apache Tomcat,FileMaker Server


  • Setups

    Composer, Docker, Sail, Herd, Vagrant, (paradoxically) remote ‘local’ instances on both AWS/GCP and god help us all when your local had to be setup with out the likes of containers.

Operating Systems

  • Linux (Ubuntu,CentOS),Unix,Mac,Windows

Programming Languages

  • I have primarily worked with PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Vue and MySql and most recently TypeScipt. Additionally I have dabbled lightly in Python,Java,Objective-C,C, and .Net. In a nutshell I pick up any language very quickly.. For example I am building this site in React, which I have limited professional experience with, but wanted to get my feet wet.


  • Flava-Flave

    PHPStorm, VSCode, Sublime Text, Netbeans

Version Control

  • Flavors and Repos

    Git, Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab,Azure DevOps, and remember when we used to use SVN?!

Methodologies and Tools

  • Flavors and Repos

    Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban, Jira, Gitlab, Asana!